Fostering hands



In Afghanistan, most women are uneducated and have no chance of employment. They are financially fully depending on their spouse. In case these women become widow and they fall in a gap with no financial perspective and fully unsecured. Sometimes even not being able to provide themselves and their children with food.  Furthermore, this also means that as these widows and their children are left without the support of a bread winner in the family, the children are often taken out of their schools and are required to work to support their families. This  leads to another uneducated generation  They fall into an unwanted lifestyle in which poverty is ruling, their main problem is struggling to fulfil their basic life necessities such as having food, clothes and access to healthcare takers in case of illness. The death of a father and bread winner in a family in Afghanistan tends to mean prolonged misery for the woman and children he leaves behind.

Therefore, the main aim of the HB Foundation, is to help these women in need. With the funds we raise, we hope to give these women and their children the best help we can. The main aims of HB Foundation could be described as below :

  • Provide food and clothes for the families on short term.
  • Provide education to the children. This will help the next generation to be educated and not fall into above mentioned pattern.
  • Support widow women in finding work. This way we give these women a chance in the labor market, so they can provide for their own food and satisfy their need on a long term.

We hope to prevent that the next generation falls into the same pattern as their parents,  helpless just like their parents, due to the lack of education. With the education of the next generation, they will have increased opportunities in the labor market, and the possibility to stand on their own feet when it is needed.

If all of us together  gather our hands, we will be able to help these women and their children. Together we can change their today. Together we can change their tomorrow. Together we can mean something for their long-term perspectives.


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